An eco friendly choice

The syrup from Érablière Perreault that is used to make Perrot Sweet Maple granulated sugar is produced with state-of-the-art energy-efficient equipment powered mainly by wind energy from the 15 wind turbines of the Municipality of Frampton.
Recently, Perrot Sweet Maple has been certified organic for both production and transformation of maple syrup. The organisation who certifies Perrot Sweet Maple is Ecocert Canada, a recognized group by the Government of Canada (ACIA) and Québec (MAPAQ).

The image below is our Ecovap from Dominion&Grimm boiler which produces 0 gaz emissions compared to tother petrol boilers or wood boilers. 

Évaporateur Ecovap Dominion & Grimm

Our large selection of natural maple product is perfect for people who have a sweettooth and love organic products. These products are all made with a mindset of nature respect and we preconize the use of renewable energy.

Crêpes au sucre d'érable

The work carried out prior to the maple syrup harvest is done with the utmost respect for the forest and the environment. For example, many different trees species are left during forestry works to keep a huge biodiversity for wild animals.

Feuillage d'érable à sucre
